แอร์คอมเพรสเซอร์ MEDO VC 0101 (Dual)

vc 0101 dual airflow n power


Specifications MEDO VC 0101 (Dual)

  Air Compressor MEDO VC 0101 (Dual)
Attainable Vacuum: -100 mbar (230 V)
-187 mbar (120 V)
Rated Airflow: 10 l/min
Rated Voltage: 230 V
120 V
Maximum Pressure: 0.15 bar (230 V)
0.18 bar (120 V)
Rated Pressure: 0.1 bar
Power Consumption: 11 W
11 W
Rated Frequency: 50 Hz
60 Hz
Life Expectancy: 5.000 h
Working Pressure Range: -100 mbar to 0.15 bar (230 V)
-187 mbar to 0.18 bar (120 V)
Outlet (Inlet): 7.5mm O.D. hose nipple
Duty Cycle: Continuous
Coil Insulation Class: B for 230V & A for 120V or its equivalent (JETL)
Mounting Dimensions (L x W): 66 x 100 mm
Gross Weight: 0.82 kg
Leadwire Length: 200 mm


Dimension MEDO VC 0101 (Dual)

vc 0101 dual blower dimensions

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